Testo 0628 7510 Stub Probe For Temperature Measurements (ntc)
Testo 0628 7510 Stub Probe For Temperature Measurements (ntc): Testo-0628-7510-Stub-Probe-for-Temperature-Measurements-NTC-Testo-0628-7510-This-Testo-stub-probe-is-suitable-for-temper...

Testo 0628 7516 Temperature Probe For Surface Measurements (ntc)
Testo 0628 7516 Temperature Probe For Surface Measurements (ntc): Testo-0628-7516-Temperature-Probe-for-Surface-Measurements-NTC-Testo-0628-7516-This-Testo-temperature-probe-with-NTC-sen...

Immersion Probe Testo 0628 7510 -20 Up To 70 °c
Immersion Probe Testo 0628 7510 -20 Up To 70 °c: Immersion probe testo 0628 7510 -20 up to 70 °C

Testo 0602 1293 Penetration Probe K Temperature Sensor -60 To +400...
Testo 0602 1293 Penetration Probe K Temperature Sensor -60 To +400...: Testo-0602-1293-Penetration-Probe-K-Temperature-Sensor-Testo-0602-1293-P-This-Type-K-immersion-penetration-probe-is-desi...

Testo 0628 7503 Temperature Probe With Aluminium Sleeve (ntc)
Testo 0628 7503 Temperature Probe With Aluminium Sleeve (ntc): Testo-0628-7503-Temperature-Probe-with-Aluminium-Sleeve-NTC-Testo-0628-7503-This-NTC-probe-with-aluminium-sleeve-is-suit...

Testo 0572 1001 Temperature Probe With Penetration Tip (ntc)
Testo 0572 1001 Temperature Probe With Penetration Tip (ntc): Testo-0572-1001-Temperature-Probe-with-Penetration-Tip-NTC-Testo-0572-1001-P-This-NTC-type-temperature-probe-has-a-penet...

Testo 0628 7533 Type-k Temperature Probe With Stainless Steel Sleeve
Testo 0628 7533 Type-k Temperature Probe With Stainless Steel Sleeve: Testo-0628-7533-Type-K-Temperature-Probe-with-Stainless-Steel-Sleeve-Testo-0628-7533-This-Testo-thermocouple-TC-temperat...

Testo 0628 0020 Temperature Sensor
Testo 0628 0020 Temperature Sensor: Testo-0628-0020-Pipe-Wrap-Temperature-Probe-with-Velcro-Strip-Testo-0628-0020-P-This-temperature-probe-from-Testo-can-be...

Testo 0602 4592 Pipe Wrap Probe For Pipe Diameter 5 To 65mm
Testo 0602 4592 Pipe Wrap Probe For Pipe Diameter 5 To 65mm: Testo-0602-4592-Pipe-Clamp-Temperature-Probe-Testo-0602-4592-P-Type-K-temperature-probe-with-clamping-bracket-from-Testo...

Testo 0602 0393 Surface Probe Type K Temperature Sensor -60 To +30...
Testo 0602 0393 Surface Probe Type K Temperature Sensor -60 To +30...: Testo-0602-0393-TC-Type-K-Surface-Probe-for-435-HVAC-and-IAQ-Meters-Testo-0602-0393-P-This-Type-K-probe-is-suitable-for-...

Testo 0572 6174 Small Diameter Humidity/temperature Probe With Cable
Testo 0572 6174 Small Diameter Humidity/temperature Probe With Cable: Testo-0572-6174-Small-Diameter-Humidity-Temperature-Probe-with-Cable-Testo-0572-6174-P-This-thin-humidity-temperature-pr...

Immersion Probe Testo 0628 7533 -50 Up To 205 °c
Immersion Probe Testo 0628 7533 -50 Up To 205 °c: Immersion probe testo 0628 7533 -50 up to 205 °C

Immersion Probe Testo 0628 7503 -30 Up To 90 °c
Immersion Probe Testo 0628 7503 -30 Up To 90 °c: Immersion probe testo 0628 7503 -30 up to 90 °C

Immersion Probe Testo 0628 0006 -35 Up To 80 °c
Immersion Probe Testo 0628 0006 -35 Up To 80 °c: Immersion probe testo 0628 0006 -35 up to 80 °C

Surface Probe Testo 0628 7516 -50 Up To 80 °c
Surface Probe Testo 0628 7516 -50 Up To 80 °c: Surface probe testo 0628 7516 -50 up to 80 °C

Surface Probe Testo Testo Wasserdichter Oberflaechenfuehler -50 U...
Surface Probe Testo Testo Wasserdichter Oberflaechenfuehler -50 Up To 150 °c Ntc Calibrated To Manufacturer Standards: Surface probe testo Testo Wasserdichter Oberflaechenfuehler -50 up to 150 °C NTC Calibrated to Manufacturer...

Testo 205 Ph Measurement Equipment For Food 0 - 14 Ph
Testo 205 Ph Measurement Equipment For Food 0 - 14 Ph: pH meter for ductile mediums. The emphasis rests with meat preparation. Through the ergonomic profile and the top...

Voltcraft Temperature Probe For 51-5169
Voltcraft Temperature Probe For 51-5169: Voltcraft LCD Digital Thermometer and Clock - Voltcraft 101941, A replacement waterproof NTC temperature probe...

Testo 104-ir Combined Infrared And Penetration Thermometer, Haccp...
Testo 104-ir Combined Infrared And Penetration Thermometer, Haccp Temperature Range Ntc: -50 To +250 °c/ir: -30 To +250: Reliable and professional. Multi-scanning with penetration control. Precise and handy. Professional functionality....

Testo Flügelradsonde Vane Measurement Probe Diameter 60 Mm
Testo Flügelradsonde Vane Measurement Probe Diameter 60 Mm: With telescopic probe up to max. 910 mm. For current measurements in duct outlets. Measurement range: 0.25 to 20 m/s ·...