Allium \'gladiator\' (large Plant) - 1 Allium Plant In 2 Litre Pot
Allium \'gladiator\' (large Plant) - 1 Allium Plant In 2 Litre Pot: The purple Allium 'Gladiator' is a giant ornamental onion; it is ideal for adding interest to all garden...

Allium \'globemaster\' (large Plant) - 1 Allium Plant In 3 Litre Pot
Allium \'globemaster\' (large Plant) - 1 Allium Plant In 3 Litre Pot: The large, ball-shaped purple flower heads, of Allium ?Globemaster? have a magnificent architectural presence in...

Allium \'gladiator\' (large Plant) - 2 Allium Plants In 2 Litre Pots
Allium \'gladiator\' (large Plant) - 2 Allium Plants In 2 Litre Pots: The purple Allium 'Gladiator' is a giant ornamental onion; it is ideal for adding interest to all garden...

Allium Stipitatum \'mount Everest\' (large Plant) - 1 Allium Plan...
Allium Stipitatum \'mount Everest\' (large Plant) - 1 Allium Plant In 3 Litre Pot: Strongly architectural, Allium stipitatum 'Mount Everest' produces perfect globes of up to 50 star-shaped...

Allium \'globemaster\' (large Plant) - 2 Allium Plants In 3 Litre Pots
Allium \'globemaster\' (large Plant) - 2 Allium Plants In 3 Litre Pots: The large, ball-shaped purple flower heads, of Allium ?Globemaster? have a magnificent architectural presence in...

Poppy \'beauty Of Livermere\' (large Plant) - 1 Papaver Plant In ...
Poppy \'beauty Of Livermere\' (large Plant) - 1 Papaver Plant In 1 Litre Pot: Poppy 'Beauty of Livermere' is a wonderful plant for cottage garden style borders. This Oriental Poppy has...

Campsis X Tagliabuana \'indian Summer\' (large Plant) - 1 Campsis...
Campsis X Tagliabuana \'indian Summer\' (large Plant) - 1 Campsis Plant In 1 Litre Pot: The trumpet vine or trumpet creeper Campsis x tagliabuana 'Indian Summer' might look exotic and tropical, but...

Clematis \'remembrance\' (large Plant) - 1 Clematis Plant In 3 Litre Pot
Clematis \'remembrance\' (large Plant) - 1 Clematis Plant In 3 Litre Pot: Clematis ?Remembrance' is a compact, late-flowering Clematis, in bloom consistently from July to September. Its...

Poppy \'fruit Punch\' (large Plant) - 1 Papaver Plant In 1 Litre Pot
Poppy \'fruit Punch\' (large Plant) - 1 Papaver Plant In 1 Litre Pot: Oriental Poppy 'Fruit Punch' is a T&M bred mix of eye-catching blooms with silky ruffled petals which...

Blueberry \'bluecrop\' (large Plant) - 1 Blueberry Plant In 2 Litre Pot
Blueberry \'bluecrop\' (large Plant) - 1 Blueberry Plant In 2 Litre Pot: This excellent mid season variety, produces rich flavoured fruit in abundance in August. Fully hardy, this compact...

Eryngium Planum \'blue Hobbit\' (large Plant) - 1 Eryngium Plant ...
Eryngium Planum \'blue Hobbit\' (large Plant) - 1 Eryngium Plant In 1 Litre Pot: Eryingium ?Blue Hobbit? is an ideal little plant for sunny borders. They thrive in many types of soil and are full of...

Calamagrostis X Acutiflora \'karl Foerster\' (large Plant) - 1 Ca...
Calamagrostis X Acutiflora \'karl Foerster\' (large Plant) - 1 Calamagrostis Plant In 1 Litre Pot: This perennial reed grass has feathery flower heads on long slender stems that blow in the breeze. As an architectural...

Clematis \'kardynal Wyszynski\' (large Plant) - 1 Clematis Plant ...
Clematis \'kardynal Wyszynski\' (large Plant) - 1 Clematis Plant In 3 Litre Pot: Clematis ?Kardynal Wsyzynski' is a late-flowering variety, producing large, single, dusky-crimson flowers...

Delphinium \'pacific Giants Mixed\' (large Plant) - 1 Delphinium ...
Delphinium \'pacific Giants Mixed\' (large Plant) - 1 Delphinium Plant In 1 Litre Pot: Delphinium 'Pacific Giants Mixed' is a tall garden border plant that has spectacular columns of semi-double...

Delphinium \'cameliard\' (pacific Hybrid) (large Plant) - 1 Delph...
Delphinium \'cameliard\' (pacific Hybrid) (large Plant) - 1 Delphinium Plant In 1 Litre Pot: For height and colour in a garden, Delphinium 'Cameliard' is a superb option for planting at the back of...

Daylily \'atlas\' (large Plant) - 1 Daylily Plant In 1 Litre Pot
Daylily \'atlas\' (large Plant) - 1 Daylily Plant In 1 Litre Pot: Gardeners love the Daylily. It's a real ?favourite'. The plants are tough and hardy. They produce exotic...

Geranium Cantabrigiense \'biokovo\' (large Plant) - 1 Geranium Pl...
Geranium Cantabrigiense \'biokovo\' (large Plant) - 1 Geranium Plant In 1 Litre Pot: Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' is a pretty ground cover plant that can act as a weed suppressant. It has...

Achillea Filipendulina \'coronation Gold\' (large Plant) - 1 Achi...
Achillea Filipendulina \'coronation Gold\' (large Plant) - 1 Achillea Plant In 1 Litre Pot: A wonderful architectural plant for a herbaceous border, Achillea filipendula 'Coronation Gold' has large, flat...

Clematis \'honora\' (large Plant) - 1 Clematis Plant In 3 Litre Pot
Clematis \'honora\' (large Plant) - 1 Clematis Plant In 3 Litre Pot: Clematis 'Honora' flowers between June and July with a second array of flowers in late summer. The flowers are...

Agapanthus \'regal Beauty\' (large Plant) - 1 Agapanthus Plant In...
Agapanthus \'regal Beauty\' (large Plant) - 1 Agapanthus Plant In 3 Litre Pot: Agapanthus 'Regal Beauty' produces simply enormous flower heads , up to 30cm (12") in diameter!...